Afro-Eire have been running African Drumming workshops in schools for over a decade. Our energetic workshops introduce students to the music and culture of Africa.
There are also numerous benefits of African drumming workshops for team building, stress relief communication, creativity, relaxation, education cooperation and FUN.
Our lead facilitator has over fifteen years experience studying African music including two years in Africa. He holds an Msc African Politics form the School of Oriental and African Studies and has worked extensively in Africa as a volunteer.
Drumming Workshops for Primary Schools
Our drumming workshops for primary schools provide a fun and easy access to rhythm for young learners. All our workshops include fun rhythm games, rhythms and African songs. All instruments are provided and we can provide workshops for several classes in a day.
We also can provide fun interactive workshops for larger groups, such as at the Alt Ents Childrens Music Festival at the Civic Theatre, Tallaght
Drumming Workshops for Secondary Schools
Our workshops for secondary schools engage the students with the culture of West Africa. Our facilitators have in-depth knowledge of African tradition as well as music. In this workshop we bring students into the traditional life of the African village where every aspect of life is connected to rhythm. (Just see the video below). Check out what Kilina Presentation SS and Presentation CC Ternure had to say about our workshops
Body Percussion games.
As a stand alone workshop or as part of a larger workshop, Body Percussion games energise a class and promote creativity through rhythm.
Workshops for Transition Years
For our Transition year workshops we ad key element of Development Education to the workshops. Village drumming is intricately connected to both the life cycle of the village but also its population. We also explore how cultural practices impact on the lives and rights of the people. Our lead facilitator holds an Msc African Politics from SOAS he has extensive experience in working and studying in Africa.
please contact us for a quote for your area